A good number of philatelists, stamp collectors and enthusiasts of Bangladesh in a meeting held in Dhaka city on
July 23, 1978, formed a National philatelic body, under the style of BANGLADESH NATIONAL PHILATELIC ASSOCIATION (BNPA). The Association aims at the promotion of philately in the country through its various activities.
Bangladesh National Philatelic Association is a non-political, non-profit and non-government
organization having over 150 philatelists as members.
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P h i l a t e l i c A c t i v i t i e s
Philatelic Exhibitions: BNPA has arranged
17(seventeen) philatelic exhibitions, so far, in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Post Office has issued special covers and special post marks regarding all of our exhibitions.
BNPA has also extended its co-operative hands for arranging
BANGLAPEX-84, KHULNAPEX-84, BANGLAPEX-92, RAJSHAHIPEX-95 and such like worth mentioning exhibitions arranged by Bangladesh Post Office.
Philatelic Auctions: for disposing spare and duplicate philatelic
items among the collectors, BNPA has started regular philatelic auctions since
1979. It is now a regular monthly occasion. Till
May 2003, BNPA has arranged 195 philatelic auctions.
Philatelic Orientation Course: till now we've
organized 6(six) orientation courses and 9(nine) philatelic workshops in Bangladesh. These workshops have been very
substantial for the new collectors and so all philatelists.
National Philatelic Week: till now BNPA has observed 5 (five) philatelic weeks and is the only
organization who observes "National Philatelic Week" in Bangladesh since 1993.
BNPA also arranges Philatelic Seminars with negotiation of the learned and experienced philatelists.
Best Stamp Poll: best stamp poll is regularly
organized to evaluate the views of the collectors about the Bangladeshi stamps issued during a single year. BNPA awards prizes to the winners of the poll.
Publication: BNPA is publishing a philatelic news bulletin titled
"BANGLADESH PHILATELIC NEWS" for disseminating philatelic news and views among the philatelists.
BNPA also keeps close contact with the Bangladesh Post Office for the promotion of philately and to solve problems of philatelists.
BNPA Newsletter 2003
mail us:
b_n_p_a@yahoo.com |